Lion’s Mane Mushroom & Productivity

Okay so let’s talk about mushrooms and productivity.

lion's mane mushroom

I am a huge fan of mushrooms and consume various extracts of them daily. One of my personal FAVORITES due to it’s ability to ridiculously increase my productivity level would be that of Lion’s Main Mushroom

Many mushrooms have incredible healing properties; however, this one is unique in that it’s like Viagra for the brain. It’s considered a potent ‘nootropic’ for the enhancement of the mind.

I’ve been taking Lion’s Mane Mushroom for about a solid year and can always tell the difference from days when I take it and on the days I don’t.

There are different methods for consumption; however, I personally just brew it up with my coffee and/or tea.

I do one fat tsp in the morning and I’m locked and loaded for the day…it lasts all day!

So for those of you that are looking for ways to help naturally help increase concentration, focus, and productivity, then I would highly recommend this remarkable gift as you will immediately feel the benefits.

A lot of what holds people back from success is simply their lack of ability to focus and their brains craving to get constantly distracted.

Here are some of the main BRAIN benefits that Lion’s Mane Mushroom provides (You can find reference case studies here):

-Stimulates the growth of neurons, Nerve Growth Factors (NGF)
-Helps repair the brain from physical damage
-Helps prevent or slow Alzheimer’s and senile dementia
-Has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects from the NGF and other non-NGF factors
-Has been shown to increase ‘curiosity’ of objects in the world in animal studies

Other benefits beyond being just good for the mind:

-Provides a cascade of nutrients
-Anti-fatigue properties
-High antioxidant containing as all mushrooms are 20% protein by volume
-Wound healing abilities when applied topically
-Gastrointestinal protective effects

I personally get my stash from Super Man Herbs as their standard for quality is quite remarkable and I trust them highly.

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