The Significance of Our Hair and Why I Decided to Shave My Head

The significance of our hair and why I decided to shave my head:

I’ve been killing it in business the past couple of months, in fact doing really really great. However, great is the enemy of exceptional just like good is the enemy of great. And I don’t just want to live a great life I want to live an exceptional life, an outstanding life.

In ancient times they believed that our power came from our hair. That is why in many different civilizations around the world they grew out their hair as long as possible; for example, Indians and in different cultures around the world they would grow their hair very long and in fact they would spiral it up into a bun on top of their head.

So monks shave their heads as a symbolism for non-attachment, Letting Go, and most importantly commitment.

You will notice that in the military you are required to shave your head as you enter in as this is for a sign of commitment, or in the movie Fight Club they were told they shaved their heads as they committed to this new teibe.

And so the philosophy goes is that you shave your head in a form of commitment to a higher goal or Vision. Once you reach a level of enlightenment that is when you begin to grow your hair and according to ancient philosophy is that you actually are supposed to continue growing your hair and never cut it off as once you’ve reached that point of enlightenment then all your power comes in the form of your hair. There are references to the power of our hair in the Bible for example the story of Samson. It is quite fascinating and you can believe whatever you wanna believe, I just love the feeling of this non-attachment, letting go, and a resolution to commitment.

I am 100% committed to playing 10x larger and Bolder than in the past, I love pushing myself, and the only thing that I am competing against is what I am capable of.

#10x #WhateverItTakes #Commitment #LettingGo

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