Do today what others are not willing to do so that tomorrow you can do what others can’t
My old man used to tell me this old story about the grass hopper and the ant. All summer long the ant is putting in work, day in and day out, building his den, collecting food, storing it away, while the grasshopper is singing dancing playing messing around and making fun of the ant saying “all you do is work man, you know you only live life once now, come play you can work later”
But the ant didn’t listen, the ant stayed committed. Finally when winter came, like it always does, the ant was eating like a king comfortably in his den, while the grasshopper begged and pleaded the ant to let me him stay in his den.
See you have to be aware of winter before it comes. Work today so that you can eat like a king tomorrow.
For every cause there is an affect, every action a reaction.
You have no right to complain about the results that you currently have because in life we don’t get what we want, we get what we deserve.
Hard work, honesty, integrity, a job well done….it’s funny because these things take no talent, yet make all the difference.
It takes no talent to work hard, it takes no talent to wake up a little earlier in the morning, it takes no talent to arrive at work a little earlier, it takes no talent do the right thing, to tell the truth
But the problem is that it will always be easier to put off today, what you can do tomorrow. It’s why most people would rather watch TV than read a book, because that little extra brain power required to use the imagination from reading is “work”, yet isn’t it interesting that the average INC 500 CEO reads 4 books a month.
The word “deserve” has become kind of this word of entitlement, like something is owed to you, but the truth is that the world owes you nothing. The word “deserve” actually comes from latin roots and means “of service” to serve and to serve well, or in old French meaning, “earned it”
See that body you’re carrying around…you earned it…you deserve it. Whether you’re out of shape or in shape, either way you earned it. In life you don’t get what you want , you get what you deserve, what you are willing to do service for.
If you want a body that most don’t have then you have to put in the work today that most aren’t willing to put in.
If you want to achieve wealth then you have to be willing to work and save money today instead of spending money to buy things you don’t even want to impress people you don’t even like.
It’s not that challenging to do the right thing, but it’s a choice. Be like that ant and stay focused, keep your head down and keep digging, keep building for a better future tomorrow, don’t get distracted by the many grasshoppers that will try to distract you from your dreams. And these grasshoppers come in the form of drugs, alcohol, party-friends, toxic relationships, and temptations that offer pleasure right now in exchange for deposits made towards your future.
Do today what others are not willing to do so that tomorrow you do and live the way others can’t.
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Quick inspirational speech on believing “it’s possible” by George Doumanian Click here to watch – Believe “it’s possible” – Inspirational Speech [hcshort id=”6″]