The Real Benefit of Doing 30 Day Challenges / Monthly Challenges
How to Set Goals You’ll Achieve | Outcome Goals Vs Process Goals Have you ever set a goal and took all the right action to achieve it, yet didn’t accomplish the goal?? That can be defeating when that happens, especially if it feels like you’re setting the same goals over and over trying to accomplish…
Planner Set Up: Bullet Journal + Spiraldex + GTD Method I discovered the Bullet Journal System about a year ago and immediately fell in love with it’s simplicity. Being of the Gen Y era I have always preferred keeping all my journals and planners digital, i.e. Google Calendar, Evernote, etc. But there is just something…
Problem Solving Questions: 1. What is great about this problem? 2. What’s not perfect yet? 3. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want? 4. What am I willing to no longer do to make it the way I want? 5. How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want? Watch the full video to get a deeper understanding of how and why this problem solving process works!
Today is Day 100 of the 100 Day Challenge by Gary Ryan Blair The ultimate accountability challenge that gets you to take massive action towards crushing 3 main goals over a 100 day period. The motto for the challenge is each day you are to start fast finish strong! For those looking for some…
How to set S.M.A.R.T. goals so that you turn your dreams into reality. This is a formula I learned years ago in how to set goals in a format that is conducive to developing natural internal motivation. Many times people will say they wish they had my level of motivation, but it’s not that I’m…
One Month of Waking Up at 5am