Motivational Video – Identity Change
One of my most popular motivational videos!
Motivational Video – Identity Change
by George Doumanian
One of my most popular motivational videos!
Motivational Video – Identity Change
by George Doumanian
Sometimes we forget our value. Someone we love leaves us for someone else, we get fired from a job, or we try so hard to succeed at something and still fail. When this happens we feel less than. We compare ourselves to other people and feel like we just are not that valuable. In reality…
How do you break an addiction? The exact same way you form a habit…the moment you decide to stop procrastinating. I’ve had many addictions in my life, some very severe, and some not so severe. What I’ve found is that habits and addictions are created and broken in the same manner. It sounds easier said…
Motivational Video -Deserve Do today what others are not willing to do so that tomorrow you can do what others can’t My old man used to tell me this old story about the grass hopper and the ant. All summer long the ant is putting in work, day in and day out, building his den, collecting…
Motivational Video – Faith Over Discouragement
WOW! Great news!!! The Daily Dose, one of the largest motivational & inspirational Instagram pages with over 1,000,000 followers reached out to me and asked if they could use one of my speeches for their latest motivational video! They just launched the video one week ago and it’s already going viral and making it to…
TGIF has always been a favorite acronym as everyone eagerly awaits Friday so they can enjoy their weekend off. On the opposite end, Monday is the most lethal day of the week. More people die of heart attacks Monday morning than any other time of the week. And more migraine headaches initiate on Sunday evening…