How to Deal With Haters / Trolls / Criticism
How to Deal With Haters / Trolls / Criticism
How to Deal With Haters / Trolls / Criticism
When the Dalai Lama was asked in an interview what confused him most, he replied “modern man”. Man surprised him most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy…
Lessons from my Meeting with a Multi-Billionaire – Robert Duggan Had the privelege of spending about 3 hours with multi-billionaire Robert Duggan, also known as Bob Duggan, today and wanted to share some INVALUABLE life lessons that I learned from this experience. Robert Duggan is one of the top 250 wealthiest people in…
Why so serious!!!??? I’ve always been obsessed with self-improvement and self-development, but I eventually found myself at a point in life where I took everything way too seriously. If something or someone wasn’t making me better then I didn’t want to have anything to do with it. I was like this for along time…and eventually…
Enjoy this motivational video of the week I compiled of scenes from one of my favorite underdog movies, Rudy! Why is it that the movie Rudy become one of the most famous movies of all time? A story about a kid who was born too small, too uncoordinated, too unintelligent, and no talent. He didn’t have…
5 Different Exercises Using a Bulgarian Bag Order Bulgarian Bag: Several Exercises You Can Do With A Bulgarian Bad for a High Intensity Interval Routine
Simple breathing exercises: A breath exercise for increased immediate energy, a technique for relaxation, how to breathe properly Also, guided meditation exercise simply explained [hcshort id=”6″]