Motivational Video

Do It Hard (New Motivational Video)

When I was a kid, I used to play this game called the Sims.

If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a game where you can create an avatar and live a fantasy life: Dream job, dream house, dream car, dream family, dream everything.

And the first couple of days that I’d play it, it would be coolest thing ever. I’d go to work, save up money, and buy cool stuff.

But the game had cheat codes. And after a couple of days, I’d run into obstacles and decide to use the cheat codes to give myself an infinite amount of money in the game.

Then I’d buy everything.

And you know what would happen next?

I’d quit. Because it got boring. After that, the game lost its meaning.

Here’s my point:

Some people want to skip over all of the obstacles in their life and they wish everything was easy, but what they don’t realize is that what gives your life meaning isn’t having everything – it’s overcoming the obstacles that appear to be standing in your way.

Overcoming your greatest obstacles is what gives you your greatest joy.

Which is why most billionaires (even AFTER they’re billionaires) work harder than almost everybody else.

Because it’s obviously not about the money anymore at some point, it’s about the game, about the love of the game, finding out what your potential is, seeing how far you can take this thing called life. Finding out what you’re really made of.

Always looking for the shortcuts, the quick microwave answer to everything is not going to bring you real long lasting satisfaction.  That’s why most people just resort to taking drugs and alcohol when life gets hard because that is like using those cheat codes, it’s the easy way to just skate by through life.

But as crazy as it sounds real true happiness comes as you break through the barriers of pain, when you pick yourself back up and push yourself beyond through the point which is comfortable, when you push yourself past the barriers of what most people can’t even conceive of is possible…that’s why we admire the greats, the legends, professional athletes, because they push themselves through so much pain and training and sacrifice that most people cant even conceive of how they could possibly do that.

The reason why they do that is because it’s so hard, because of the extraordinary challenge because that sense of accomplishment after you achieve your a goal that you worked hard for will give you a greater high than anything else you could ever experience in your life, so I challenge you don’t take the easy way out in life, do it hard.


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