Motivational Video – It’s Not About The Bike
Motivational Video – It’s Not About The Bike
Motivational Video – It’s Not About The Bike
Motivational Video -Deserve Do today what others are not willing to do so that tomorrow you can do what others can’t My old man used to tell me this old story about the grass hopper and the ant. All summer long the ant is putting in work, day in and day out, building his den, collecting…
When I was a kid, I used to play this game called the Sims. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a game where you can create an avatar and live a fantasy life: Dream job, dream house, dream car, dream family, dream everything. And the first couple of days that I’d play it, it…
Sometimes we forget our value. Someone we love leaves us for someone else, we get fired from a job, or we try so hard to succeed at something and still fail. When this happens we feel less than. We compare ourselves to other people and feel like we just are not that valuable. In reality…
Today is officially Day 30 of the most extreme 30 day challenge I have ever put myself though: 30 DAYS IN A ROW OF WAKING UP AT 4AM, NO MASTURBATION (NO FAP), NO ALCOHOL, AND NO TV! Wow what a ride this has been! This will definitely be one of the most memorable months of my…
It’s been said that we all die two deaths. Our first death is when we physically die and after we take our final breath. Our second death….the second death is when we’re forgotten. When no one remembers our name. It’s kind of freaky to think about… being forgotten. But after we pass, in time we…
Four Months Without Alcohol – The Easy Way to Stop Drinking It’s been four months without drinking alcohol not even trying and so wanted to share my experience! Eliminating and/or reducing alcohol consumption can seem like quite the daunting task for many people; however, when you change the way you look at alcohol from being…